The average salary in Switzerland is at the level of 5,000 GBP.
Aleksandra Hetmanska14/02/2023
Attractive salaries in Switzerland attract foreigners, with the average salary hovering around 6,500 CHF (the average salary in 2020 was 6067 CHF for women and 6857 CHF for men, according to the government website, which is about 5,000 GBP per month. When deciding to move to the mountainous country, remember that this is only the median salary of the entire community, and your salary will be determined individually.
Salary depends on the profession you work in, education, obtained certificates, professional experience, industry, gender, and foreign language skills. Switzerland welcomes specialists who contribute to the country's development. Physical workers are also desirable in Switzerland, but their salaries are lower, averaging around 3000-4000 CHF per month. Switzerland has not set a minimum hourly wage, as is done in UK. In Switzerland, there is a "recommended minimum salary," which only indicates the amount that an employer "can offer," but does not have to. The recommended minimum salary is about 4,000 CHF, or 22 CHF per hour, but these rates may differ depending on the canton.